The story follows a girl named Asami (on the right). She's a fresh high school graduate looking for answers. College is on the horizon, and she still has no idea what she wants to do with her life. She decides to vacation on a remote island to get away from everything for a while and find herself. Unfortunately, what she finds is the curse of an ancient religion, and a hidden struggle for power. Since this is a free game, there's no estimated release date, but we'll do our very best to make sure you don't have to wait too long. XD
Oneiro is funded entirely by donations and revenue from Jisei. If you don't have any money (I totally understand), try your hand at the indieDB promo contest. Not only could you win $150 for yourself, but if we win, all the money will go to producing free games (like this one!).
Yes Yes Yes!
Ripples is adorable and Jisei is amazing, but I must admit my heart lies with your otome games (Re:Alistair++ stole my heart).
Now I'm very glad I bought Jisei, if only to support more otome games like this.
No pressure, but I can't wait. The design art is beautiful, and the summary sounds really interesting. The girl doesn't sound like a total ditz, and you've proven you can write mysteries with Jisei.
I really can't wait to play it, whenever it may be released. No pressure, but I really hope I get to see it soon. ^.^
That is all.
The style of art isn't familiar to me, but I think that I'll be used to it during the game and will start to like it = D (like I did with Jisei and Re:Alistair) And the plot seems cool.
Baah, I will really love to play this game <3 Take your time anyway, whatever what people can say. I prefer a good game making without (a lot of) pressure than a rushed game = 3
Yay I can't wait! :)
You guys have my support all the way! I've just been going around spreading word about Re:Alistair haha.
Woohoo! You produce *such* high quality work; there's nothing else like it in English. Please keep it coming!
yay new game can't wait
Yaaaay! \o/ More Otome+More sakegames= DAY MADE. :D
Another otome game?! Am now extra glad I bought Jisei!
I <3 otome games!!
And I agree with other commenters; you really do make the best quality english otome games.
thank you!
omg, Im totally in love with RE: Alistair. I even got the inspiration for my story from this game. Cant wait to play this new game ^^
I should make a figure of...
i voted alistair and shiro (theyre both so awesoooome!!!) but wat do u mean by figure..?
Just so you know, Sakevisual is my most favorite site when it comes to otome games 'cause of the quality and the perfect grammar.
And now, I'm absolutely loving it more.
To think that most of it is free too! I can't complain. This is like, free bliss! xD
I'll wait for that game! Take your time!
Just don't give it up! :P Fans are rooting for ya! <:
The moment I finished RE:Alistair++ I became a fan. Seriously, I've never seen such a high quality of an English Otome game. AND ON THE WEB FOR FREE? Jesus, you made my month that time. I just tried and finished the demo for Jisei, pretty good work there. Though I haven't play the mystery/detective genre (Phoenix Wright and Professor Layton...that's as close as I'm willing to get. Oh yeah, did one work of Nancy Drew.) I'm so excited that a new game is coming out!
Cheers~ Thank you for all your hard work to produce freebies for the rest of the world to enjoy~
ZOMG YAY Another Otome game!! I loved the humor in RE:Alistair+++ and ZOMG i love u guys <3333
Just finished Re:Alistair and have to say I'm definitely looking forward to this.
On the other hand, I've noticed, every otome game I've seen has digitally colored backgrounds, characters, etc. Has no one ever done a completely traditionally drawn one? Like water color or something?
Just thought it'd be a novel and awesome thing to see.
(And possibly a pain in the butt to draw.)
I CAN'T WAIT. I love Alistair ++ and I'm crying because I can't get Jisei (I'm in Serbia and here visual novel is something that even experienced otakus don't know about and with that goverment can't really allow visual novel in this country :'( I can't help. The only thing I can say is that that I'm rooting for you to finish this game and I'm pretty sure I'll rush here to download it when it's finished!Can't wait!^^
I CAN'T WAIT. I love Alistair ++ and I'm crying because I can't get Jisei (I'm in Serbia and here visual novel is something that even experienced otakus don't know about and with that goverment can't really allow visual novel in this country :'( I can't help. The only thing I can say is that that I'm rooting for you to finish this game and I'm pretty sure I'll rush here to download it when it's finished!Can't wait!^^
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