Monday, February 11, 2013

Backstage Pass - Meet the Rest

Now that profiles for the four suitors are up, it's time to introduce our supporting cast! Hang on to your hats, kids, there're a lot.

Name: Lloyd Newton
Age: 35
Occupation: Director, Producer
Lloyd Newton is an award-winning director and a budding producer. He attended university in the UK where he and John shared a flat. The two grew very close, and agreed that one day they’d produce a show together. They’re currently pitching a new TV series that they hope will be a hit. He has a very loose style of directing, often asking actors to improv or try out new lines on the spot.


Victoria said...

I like the sketch alot, and the character seems quite interesting.

Always need a likable supporting cast. ;D

Milki said...

You have a sexy red head in the game and he's not romanceable? How cruel. ;_;

Ayu Sakata said...

@miruki: Lloyd's not interested in women, but there IS a pretty good friendship ending with him, so you can still build a good relationship with him.

James G said...

Oo Looks nice.

Alice Avery said...

I love that you have friendship endings. This is going to be a great game! Thank you for your creativity!