Hey gang! Yousei is out! Hurrah! Huzzah! Other cheerful exclamations! What took so long? Well, I guess it just took us a lot longer to tighten up the graphics than we thought. Also, Yousei's longer than Jisei and Kansei. And there are more characters. And images. And music. And everything, really. I also hear it's the best one yet. And there may be emotional bits, but don't quote me on that.
For those of you who haven't joined the Jisei clan yet, Jisei is currently 50% off for the entire month of February. Think of it as our Valentine's Day gift to you! Plus, the Jisei+Kansei bundle discount is still in effect, so if you buy Jisei and Kansei together, that's like...less than twenty bucks. Which is pretty cool.
Yay!!!! Thank you so much! I can't wait to play it!
I wanted to ask something, I want to buy the game but in the options of currency there's no Colombian peso :x is there any way that could be added, or is it impossible?
I'm just wondering when the next game is going to be made, or if there is going to be a game after Yousei. The way it ended is so open still. I would love for there to be another one soon.
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