A happy new year to all! 2010 was a fantastic year, thanks to all of you, and I'm looking forward to everything we're going to do in 2011.
2010 Retrospect:
-RE: Alistair and RE: Alistair++ are released. The amazing artist known and tooaya and the lovely programmer Thee Forsaken One put their blood, sweat, and tears into making this game for you guys, and we're very proud of what we've created.
-Ripples Remix is released. The original Ripples (first game I ever made) is remade entirely. New art by talented artist and dear friend Deji graces the screen, and this is the first (but not last) time you hear the fantastic composition skills of Marc Conrad Tabula.
-Jisei marks the advent of the Green Tea Line. Sakevisual bites the bullet and goes semi-commercial. It's also our first mystery game ever. The opening song by Aural Wave is also pretty sweet.
-A-KON 21 is our first convention. We sell a lot, make a lot of great friends, and have fun sharing a table with Japanese doujin group, Zero Zigen.
-AnimeFest is our second convention. This time we have a prettier table, and the ever popular RE: Alistair++ artbooks and plushies.
-[text] comes out on Halloween eve for people who enjoy spooky things. It's our first sound novel ever. Hopefully not our last.
All in all, an exciting year for sakevisual. I want to thank everyone who worked on our games, and everyone who played them. Without all of you, I'm just some kid with a computer.
2011 Forward Look:
-Two free otome games in progress: Oneiro and hanami x 2. Unfortunately, there's no ETA on either, but I hope that they'll be finished this year. >.>
-Kansei, the second chapter in the Jisei series will be released. We've gotten a great response to Jisei, and we're hard at work on Kansei right now. Look forward to more teasers and other things as time goes on.
-Otome games in the Green Tea Line. I don't want to post any huge spoilers, but we will be working on otome games for the Green Tea Line as well as our free line. That means longer games with more guys, original music, voices, and all sorts of bonus fun. And it also means the return of an artist who I'm sure you all love~
-More conventions. Sakevisual's main focus is making visual novels, but we also want to spread the knowledge and love of visual novels, as well as encourage others to create their own. There are a few more conventions in the circuit this year. I know I keep promising to put up a schedule "soon," but I really will be putting up a schedule soon this time.
Onward to 2011! Let's make this year rock!
Why you say Jisei is "semi-commercial"? :)
I can't wait for Kansei's release. I played Jisei, and I've played it over so many times I've lost count. It was pretty shocking to find out that Chance wasn't really who she seemed to be. Also I'm pretty curious at what the protagonist's name is and how his sister died. Hopefully, Kansei will reveal more about him.
The first game I played from you guys was RE: Alstair. I was so happy to have found it since there is such a low supply of otome games. I squealed when I heard that you guys made a remake of it with extra CGs.
[text] was another that I enjoyed. Due to the feedback and reviews of others, I waited until morning to play it because I'm such a scaredy-cat. (^_^;) At some parts, I got chills running down my spine.
Anyway, love the games you make. I'll be looking forward Oneiro, hanami x 2, and especially Kansei.
@Jack: I meant that sakevisual is semi-commercial, since we still release a lot of free games.
Tooaya?! Tooaya?! It's tooaya for the otome games in the green tea line right?!
Either that or it's Deji. Even though she's already working on the otome game Winter in Fairbrooks, her boys or to delish to be kept to just one game.
But I like all your artists. Ah, I'm so excited. The english otome scene has really liven up lately. And your games (all of them, not just the otome ones) are by far some of the best available English VNs. Thank you so much for choosing to do this, Ayu. With all my heart.
I saw your interview on the AX site!
Are you planning to go this year?! *_*
(this is lepapillonrouge by the way)
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